"Socialist" is a Scare Word


For these reasons we call for social ownership and democratic control of productive resources, for a guarantee to all of the right to participate in societal production, and to a fair share of society's product, in accordance with individual needs.


We call for public ownership and worker control of existing corporate farms, support existing state bans on corporate farms, and support a federal ban on the establishment of new corporate farms.

I own and work on a farm. The farm's means of production are held in an LLC. I'm paid when the LLC turns a profit. The Socialist Party doesn't think I should own my farm. Socialists don't think the LLC should exist. At the same time they think I should be paid a minimum wage for the work I do, on the farm I don't own, by the employer I used to have.

You also would still have private property. Think worker coops.

Co-op law in my state requires a board of no less than 5 people. Also, members aren't permitted to own more than 20%. My farm barely supports a family of 4. I'm not giving up 80% of my income.

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