[socialists] Why do you defend war criminals and dictators?

Comparisons between Stalin and Hitler are false equivalences used as propaganda to rehabilitate fascists - ever notice how these comparisons will eventually lead to “Stalin was worse than Hitler” or “at least Hitler cared about Germany”?

Also, this narrative of Stalin being a “communist Hitler” relies heavily on the Double-Genocide Theory - literally the most common form of Holocaust trivialization

Also before the Soviets, Eastern Europe was very similar to how it is now that it’s abandoned socialism - hotbed of Nazi sympathizers, collaborators, and fascists, devoid of any democracy and living in poor conditions, not to mention that the Soviets literally saved Eastern Europe from meeting the same fate at the hands of the Nazis as the native Americans did at the hands of British colonialists.

Stalin was nothing like Hitler, and in fact, there’s a CIA document that says Stalin wasn’t a dictator.

These false comparisons of fascists and communists are literal fascist apologetics, and obscure the real nature of fascism. Fascism isn’t some mysterious evil that popped out of nowhere and it’s not the right-wing twin of socialism.

Fascism was the inevitable result of the attitudes, behaviors, and ideas that have dominated western society for centuries.

From the Roman Empire subjugating what was at the time much of the whole known world and discriminating against non-Romans to the development of pseudo-scientific racial theories and hierarchies made up to explain or justify the western world’s subjugation of 80% of the world, it’s no surprise fascism has its origins in colonialist countries like those of the western world and Japan.

Fascism also serves as a polar opposite, a counter to socialism.

Fascism has only ever risen where capitalism was declining like in Germany, or where socialism was threatening capitalism.

/r/CapitalismVSocialism Thread