Socially fluent people Reddit, what are some mistakes you see socially awkward people making?

When you’re desperately trying to keep the conversation going but really can’t, the other person will notice it and it will be awkward.

Find a common ground or something you’d be interested to hear. It can be as simple as asking someone what their occupation is or hobbies are or did you see the game/event yesterday.

Just let the other person talk and listen. If you can contribute to the conversation: go ahead, that’s great. If you feel like you should say something, but there’s nothing to say: just continue listening and let them know you are actively listening. Be like: ohh, really? How’d that go?, uhuh, oh wow! They’ll ask you questions if they feel you should’ve said something.

Is the conversation on a dead end: wrap it up. It’s okay. The more comfortable you get around a person the easier it will be to talk to them the next time.

/r/AskReddit Thread