Society isn't possible without belief in God, or a higher power, or a creator. Without God, the ultimate answer to life is Nihilism. Nothing matters.

Well Jeeze I don’t know, maybe because it created those emotions too? Oh so I’m now supposed to know the age old question of “Why are we here” or it’s a cop out? Lmfao gtfoh, ok boy. Gloves off now. Don’t take this wrong, but I can tell you’re trying to atheist troll me now. Not gonna work. How about you find out the hard way since that’s the way you want to do it? I think I’ve wasted enough time and patience with you now because it’s obvious you’re not taking this to heart and only want to be a little shit and keep circling with empty questions. I did my part. “Where is your case and evidence that the creator is a fallacy all made up in our minds?” Hmmm? Show me even one wink of anything boy. Watch me dismantle anything you have.

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