Is sociology a waste of time?

Well, that really depends on what you want to do after graduation. If you’re going into the career world after graduation, then you’ll probably be fine unless you’re required to have a certain GPA, which is unusual to require. You may have trouble getting into anything sociological or psychological though, as they usually want to know how you did in college. Even then, it’s hard to get into those fields without a graduate degree.

Your GPA is quite low for graduate school, I believe the lowest you really want it is a 3.0. You can get in with a lower GPA, but it’ll be a fight and you’ll have to really prove why you should be there. So, you should be fine for the career world unless you want to do something directly related to your major, which will probably require a graduate degree. The latter will be really difficult to get into unless you raise your GPA.

You’ve only just finished your Gen Eds, so you still have some time to raise it if you need to. I used to have a very low GPA, but I realized I needed to get into graduate school at some point, so I redid almost all my low grade classes and raised it to a 3.6. So it’s definitely doable if you dedicate yourself to it! This will depend on how your college handles class redos, however. Either way, good luck!

/r/CollegeMajors Thread