[SocJus] Will Usher - "The Red Strings Club Attempts To Appeal To SJWs, But It Still Wasn't SJW Enough For SJWs"

Any creator who is not an SJW themselves needs to realize that there is no point in trying to cater to SJWs, as they are not interested in enjoying the work itself, but rather in using it as fodder for their meta-level identity politics game of positioning and posturing for status and control. They don't need to buy the work to do this.

For the most part, SJWs seem to get more mileage out of attacking rather than praising (especially as it puts them in the superior position), which makes catering to them high risk, low return even when it comes to creators wanting SJWs to give them a pat on the head for their efforts.

The main exception where they praise rather than attack is when it comes to SJW takovers of an established IP (Ghostbusters, Star Wars, etc) where they can get off on their "victory" like soldiers reveling in and ransacking a conquered city, tearing down the city's statues to set up their own, laughing at the lamentations of the inhabitants as they see what they love destroyed.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Link - oneangrygamer.net