Soft skills really matter?

It depends on many factors I would say.

Unfortunately this field is full of socially retarded autists that are simply incapable of interacting with other humans.

I agree with you on this point, but what if the people around you are like that while you are the only one with soft skills? What if you are abroad and nobody understands you and your soft skills?

Sometimes it gets tricky to show off your soft skills.

I worked for a company in Germany surrounded by Germans: my way of being extroverted and my communication skills were erased by the Germans in less than 1 hour. I was never able to understand the status of the project because they were just communicating with each other and excluding me. They entered the room greeting and smiling at each other without considering me.

I have never had such problems, only with the Germans. So in this case you can have as many soft skills as you want but nobody will care.

Summary: It's not just you, sometimes the problem it's your team.

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