Soju tries to educate Derrick Barry on why making fun of Asian accents isn’t right.

Im not saying Soju doesnt have a right to do it. She can do as she wants. But I have the right to have an opiniom on her actions and I just dont think its the most effective method of 'educating'.

There is always an element of shaming when you publicly educate someone. Whether or not its public or private or deserved or not, doesnt take that away.

Shaming rarely has a strong impact on changing peoples views. Most people get defensive - as Derrick clearly did. Sojus replies also dont have real nuance to explain and educate. Shes effectively said its bad because its wrong then basically asked a loaded leading question thats effectively saying "youre not racist, are you?".

Its just not the way i believe will make effective change. Again, i would have privately explained to derrick and hopefully make her understand why her behaviour was inappropriate and how she can redress it.

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