Solar power will account for nearly half of new U.S. electric generating capacity in 2022

Socialism is when the workers own the means of production

Yes and capitalism is just private ownership of business for profit. However, when the state takes taxes, it isn't fully owned privately, it's partially stated owned by the public (including the workers)

You want to be technical, however, it doesn't change anything. You should perhaps focus on things that matter, versus things that don't like definitions.

It's quite ignorant of you you think you know taxes aren't a form of socialism. You can read US history how taxes were proposed by socialist parties first within the states to push for social services.

It's weird that you're looking up some of my post history to give you some strawman/personal attacks that are irrelevant to the conversation. Perhaps to give yourself some feeling of moral superiority, or to discredit someone's knowledge?

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