As a Soldier 76 player, targeting Pharah is alot harder than you think..

  1. Pharah can duck behind cover, peek, fire, duck, repeat. You need inhuman reaction time to hit that.

So she's on the ground then? Sounds like she's just peaking. If so, then she shouldn't be that big of an issue for your team. Be aware of her position and wait for the opportunity.

  1. Positioning doesn't stop a diving Pharah. Unless you're in the center of your tanks where you have no clear sight. Of course I ask my team for help if I'm being dove like that, in which case the flame me for "not just clicking on her head

What is diving to you? Specifically, targeting you? If you anticipate the dive position yourself away so you can see her coming and take her out from a distance. Regardless, your team should be helping you.

  1. Pharah's projectiles are not easy to dodge, I don't even know where you get that from. Soldier and McCree don't have a viable dodge ability and Pharah's projectiles are much to fast to just walk out of the way of.

It's called ADAD spamming (which isn't necessarily a spam, but a focus on directional dodging). Don't stand still when she fires at you. Make yourself a harder target to hit, that's basic mechanics. You don't need a, "viable dodge ability," to avoid being hit by a projectile. Here's a great video explaining how to dodge. You should also be using terrain to your advantage. Position yourself by a wall so you're harder to hit.

2 equal level players, a McCree and a Pharah, playing against each other, the pharah will come out on top 70% of the time, even at high masters.

This is simply not true. Pharah has an incredibly low pick rate at the highest tiers because she's easy to handle. A good McCree will kill Pharah before she gets off two rockets. Of course, if you have the attitude that she can't be countered then you will always get rocked by her no matter the situation. Be positive, adapt and overcome.

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