Soldiers of the special squad Code 9.2. together with 3027 National Guards brigade tracked down and destroyed T90 Proryv tank

Oh looks like I put the wrong name the first time, they look to be RKG-3 grenades.jpg) to me, these have been used throughout the war as drone dropped munitions for anti armor purposes.

As for what the other commenter said I don’t think so. Yes there is a Ukrainian thermobaric grenade that has been used for drone drops, however that is definitely not what was used here. First and foremost the thermo nades have timed fuzes, these are impact, secondly a thermobaric grenade would have no chance whatsoever of penetrating the armor of a tank anywhere. Thirdly the explosion from those grenades are quite big already, and would be double in a thermal imager like this one.

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