This is why solidarity is so important. Discrimination affects us all. Either we stand together as one diverse community, or we fall, one by one, until nothing is left but hate.

the idea of stoic professionalism is anathema to the chronically online twitter dwellers who write this stuff. Previously Star Trek was the result of people who had real war time military experience or the children of those that did (boomers, basically), thus there was a certain respect for military culture, even though Starfleet is a quixotic "don't call me a military military" that does all the things a military does, including engaging in war, but that's another rant for another day.

Discovery (and Picard) comes across as some fanfic turned YA series turned back into Star Trek fanfic only canonized, where the main character is the most important girl in the universe, is Spock's hitherto unmentioned and decidedly more competent sister who has all the answers and solves every problem despite being an emotionally stunted weirdo who has regular emotional meltdowns. The crew of the ship exists only to clap and/or cry for Michael Burnham, as there's little room for else in a Discovery script for them to do, but cheer for the commanding officer of the "USS YASSS KWEEN". It's all so shallow, so rote, so sad to see.

and look, I'm not saying old Trek was the best thing ever, perfect, or some erudite, intellectual pursuit or whatever, and maybe I am just an old curmudgeon who hates change... But I am saying that despite all its faults it had so much more to say about the human condition than whatever the fuck Discovery and Picard are trying to do. it had values and lessons to impart, lessons that were highly influential to a 12 year old me, particularly in fairness and doing the right thing even when it is least convenient. Discovery is just an angst ridden mess that really doesn't have anything to say about anything.

I've not seen SNW - though I have heard good things from people whose opinions on Star Trek I trust - I just feel like star trek is forever tarnished for me now.

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