To the Solo Sloop that decided to grief us during a Flameheart encounter:

Yeah, because the players that offered genuinely good ideas and had legitimate criticisms left the community and the game entirely.

They got tired of the Rare bootlickers only firing back with "git gud" or "dOnT LiKe It DoNt PlAy It."

No one wants to admit it, but when a community's voice is half praise/half complaints then the game is in a good stance. The SoT community is now full of nothing but "Don't talk bad about this game, no one is allowed to have an opinion if it's bad."

Not everyone has 80 hours to pour into this game. Not everyone ONLY plays this game. Sometimes we just want to fish in peace. Sometimes we just want to vibe and chill. Some people have kids, some have weekend jobs, some have even less time to play than I do. I seriously don't understand what the SoT community's issue is with people who want to play this game the way that they want to play it. The posts and comments with valid and reasonable criticism are downvoted into oblivion because "I like this game. Don't talk bad about this game. That's mean."

The Blunderpass is the best thing to happen to this game in a long time, but the community and player base seems to be exactly the same as when I previously left.

Good riddance.

/r/Seaofthieves Thread Parent