Sombra is a disguised early access

Honestly as a Sombra player, she was definitely a bit OP when she was reworked. Increased hacking speed meant absolutely no counterplay. You couldn't stop Sombra from hacking you, you just had to accept it. This wouldn't have been a problem if, thanks to being able to hack passives, it didn't make 75% of the character roster completely useless when hacked. Ask Lucio mains what they think of her hack now. Also, 20 second translocator time made her practically invincible and let her make plenty of mistakes.

She definitely needed some buffs but they overbuffed her.. like they seem to do with every character who just needs small changes (Mercy, Hanzo, etc). And then they nerfed her into the ground which will probably be the same fate for Hanzo. That 2 second cooldown on hack is absolute BULLSHIT and people who keep saying "oh it's good bc it punishes Sombra for a bad hack" obviously do not play Sombra. I would rather them get rid of hacking passives (which is OP in my opinion) if it meant getting rid of that stupid cooldown.

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