Some advice from a stranger with Lupus

Thanks for sharing. Somewhat of a similar story with me, i struggled for 2 years of extreme fatigue, to the point i could barely go to school every day and on top of that i was balancing social issues, but everyone thought it was psychological until i eventually had a severe flare up, hospitalized and diagnosed with lupus nephritis. At one point they were considering cyclophosphamide but luckily they increased the dosage of cellcept first which worked.

Since starting medications i've had so much more energy and i cut off everyone that didnt text me and ask if i was ok during those 8 days in the hospital because i realized they didn't actually care about me, and im so much better off due to it. But now im stuck in this annoying position where i have enough energy to do stuff, but i dont know what to do with my life because im so used to just trying to survive, so im bored 24/7..

/r/lupus Thread