Some Black Lives Don’t Matter: Black-on-black homicide is rampant, but professional agitators couldn’t care less

Whites don't traffic drugs at anywhere near the same rate blacks do though, which is where a proportionally larger segment of drug possession charges come from.

Illegal drug use=/=illegal drug distribution. Where there's more drug distribution, there's more drug arrests. Where there's more drug distribution, there's also more drug related violent crime. Thus more violent crime arrests. It's proportional.

Black murderers make up 50% of the murder population in the United States despite Black Americans being less than 20% of the overall population. Black homicide victims are killed by black attackers over 90% of the time. BLM narratives and similar politicized groups don't address any of these statistics and pretend they happen in reverse, with blacks being a disproportionate target of attacks from whites (and institutionalized attacks from the police).

If Black Lives Matters cared about black lives, they'd start by getting to the root of black on black crime and violence overall in black communities.

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