some dipshit starts recording a confrontation on the subway in Toronto and then proceeds to have a concern-troll / empowerment circlejerk which the r/Toronto mods fully condone

Right. It's your reserve. Your land. Your home. Make something of it. Don't wait for the federal government to do it for you. You might even learn a useful skill other than complaining while you are at it.

How you equate any of that to racism is beyond me. You belong to the most privileged class of people in Canada and none of you do anything with any of it.

Go to school, no tuition fees.

Get a job, no income tax.

Need a loan to start a business? Government will throw money at you.

Need a job and actually have a degree and being Native? They will hire you.

Every white person in Canada would LOVE to see a native succeed at anything. If only so you can get off our teats.

/r/metacanada Thread Parent Link -