Some dmt users claim they have expeirenced something they can only describe as the 'machine of soul cycling or something'. But they are not allowed to talk about it....

So I've had these similar "ideas" or whatever you may call them, on lsd+whippet, and dmt. I was very convinced during the experience, and a bit after until memory faded.

One time it was gov't oriented, essentially I witnessed the programming we are all integrated into, and the people who run it can detect when someone figures out.

Upon reflecting on both of these, along with another simulation-focused trip I had, I came to the conclusion that these are delusions created by a panicking ego.

The ego sees what our consciousness went through, and says "nope time to lock this away into a box that you're not allowed to go into". Best way to do that is to attach some omnipotent power that will punish you if you open the box.

/r/DMT Thread