Do some ENTP's love strife?

I’m a Christian woman myself and you definitely dodged a bullet. Any woman telling you the price tag of what she wants her engagement ring to be especially as a Christian is a red flag. She can tell you the style and the kind she wants but putting a price tag is too far in my opinion. Please do what you love for your job. Never let a woman you’re not married to tell you what job you need to take. If a woman is not willing to accept you at $60k a year she needs help in my opinion because to me that’s a good salary. It sounds like she needs the fruits of the spirit because she sounds as if she’s not humble nor loving. No Christian woman in her right mind would tell her boyfriend that she has the gift of discernment and that it is telling her that you’re not spiritually mature. If that was her observation that’s fine but that is not something you say to someone. If I saw that in my boyfriend, I would just tell him that I don’t see our relationship heading in the direction I want to go and that I think there’s someone better for him. I wouldn’t beat down his spiritual maturity because that’s super personal. However if he really wanted to know I would find the nicest way to say I just don’t think we’re compatible in that area. She really didn’t need to be that insulting especially when she wouldn’t tell you what she thinks that you could do to be better in that area. I would never ever tell my girlfriends to tell their boyfriends those things. ENTP or not she sounds very toxic and is in serious need of some therapy. You seriously dodged a bullet. And please please please whenever your friends tell you early on that there are red flags listen to them! They love you and want the best for you. They would likely have an objective view of your relationship without the feelings so you can trust their judgement. I wish you the best! There’s someone lovely out there in the world for you and I’m glad you came out of that relationship for the better. Good luck!!

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