Some good videos/tutorials for playing USSR

Honestly i couldnt say. I dont use youtube tutorials too much for it all. What i can recommend though is look at your divisions, there will be a recruitment tab, click edit to see what they are made of. Quick note if you do not know what the width is it decides the amount of divisions that can engage in battles Generally for single player you only really need a lot of 20 width infantry, an easy ratio to live by is 7 infantry and 2 artillery, with support companies. These are not for attacking, imagine them as fillers who are there entirely to be meatshields and stop enemies from just walking forwards. Tanks are your attacking forces, you want to build 20, and eventually 40, width tank divisions. Preferably with heavy tanks, but medium tanks work fine on single player. You manually control those divisions and use them to punch holes. All you do is encircle the enemy piece by piece with these. Beyond that dont forget about air power but if you need that explained just ask. I hope that my non answer to your question was helpful.

/r/hoi4 Thread