Some help with a plan

A major earthquake is also the most likely disaster for my area. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Earthquakes don't cause extremely widespread damage. If there's a place to go an hour or two away, it probably won't be affected (or not nearly as affected if you're near the epicenter)

  • First priority should be a bug-in plan. Have enough food and water to stay comfortably hunkered down for 3 days to a week or more. This is not hard and is a good way to be prepared for many emergencies.

  • Going into the woods should not even be an option. I love doing weeks-long treks into the woods and being fully self sufficient with what I carry, but it would be a last resort (and one that would require substantial practice/experience before relying on it for an emergency)

  • There should be no need to go into the city at all. Plan alternate routes to a friend/family member's that may be much longer but bypass a potentially affected city.

  • Keep your gas tank half full, or have a few 5-gallon gas cans filled up and stored in your garage. Just make sure to rotate them in to keep the fuel fresh.

  • All you mostly need for a "bug out" kit is what you would pack for a "weekend away" at grandma's. Change of clothes, any medications you might need, etc. Keep copies of important documents there - insurance policies, birth certificates, etc. Some cash might be handy if phones or power is out. Some easy to pack food - jerky, snacks, etc. would also be prudent in case the trip takes longer than expected.

  • Make sure everyone in your family knows what to do in an emergency. This plan will include contingencies in case you're unable to communicate or unable to get home (i.e., backup meeting location, how long you'll wait where, etc).

  • If there's any major earthquake, any radio will be broadcasting information about how widespread the damage is, so you'll know if friends and family's places are likely to be unharmed.

/r/bugout Thread