Some lobster boys interviewed Noam Chomsky for a JP “documentary”; it goes about as well as you’d think

I understand why one might want to use a blocklist, but the ones that exist are just far too overreaching to be of any actual use. Plus it kind of hurts me inside whenever I see I'm blocked by someone I like/would like/would agree with, but that's just a personal thing and I know I haven't done anything wrong.

They are of incredible use, though. A lot of people are spared from tons of abuse because of those lists. Yes, you'll have false positives, but for every time you hurt a little bit inside because you're blocked by someone you don't know and who doesn't know you, they will also have blocked people sending them death and rape threats.

It's kind of interesting how you frame it as being too overreaching to be of any actual use. What actual use would someone from here tweeting actually have?

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