Some mildly offensive opinions

Another ENTP non-exclusive trait I exhibit is thinking a certain post is about me or includes me because I'm guilty of the accusations... but at least I justify it with my Big Five results... 0% Conscientiousness CAN mean you have an inherent problem with working, schedules, and routine. And it is shown over and over than low C is often accompanies with high O, which is creativity etc. MOST ENTPs exhibit very high O. So, I'm comfortable self deprecating (or whining) here about how I can't get anything done unless I need money or something.

But I agree with the circle-jerk. Most ENTPs I've met are NOT awesome. Just lonely, displaced, lost in life, single, changing jobs, and weirdly interested in "proving" their beliefs, which, accompanied by loneliness creates.... lol.

/r/entp Thread