Some old military gear for Arktreia

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So we are going to have to remove this post for lack of context. You are welcome to repost, so long as you include a proper amount of context. If you do not know what that should look like, please contact the mods via modmail.

Every submission to our subreddit must include worldbuilding-relevant context.

Not only does context establish that a post is on-topic for our subreddit, but it is also necessary to generate useful discussion. In general, a post has sufficient context when a person who reads it would understand what the post is about, where the poster wants discussion to go, and could be inspired to write a productive reply.

Every submission to our subreddit must include worldbuilding-relevant context.

All maps and images require context, unless they are infographics. Appropriate context for a map or image includes an explanation of what the map or image represents, its significance to the poster’s worldbuilding project, and (if applicable) what the poster would like feedback or criticism on. Discussion of the artistic process or techniques used to create the map or image may be included, but does not count as “worldbuilding-relevant” on its own. Infographics that self-contain sufficient context to be understood do not require additional context.

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