At some point in the distant future, do you think there will be no such thing as “original” music?

theres an infinite amount of sounds one can make. two trumpet playing the same note can still sound different because of timbre.

there are a finite amount of notes in western music (12 in an octave, but some cultures have more). not all notes sound pleasing to us together, and not all chord progressions (one note/chord to the next) is pleasing either. already theres a lot of repetition and its why you hear "this artist ripped off this song!" even if they are technically different.

but instruments, equipment to record/produce, and even notes and chord progressions change throughout culture and time. and timbre is constantly changing; we have the ability to recreate sounds and create sounds never heard before with synthesis and processing. i dont think we will ever be 100% done with new music, there are infinite possibilities despite its limitations of what sounds "good".

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread