Some questions for psychopaths

  1. Yes, much less.

  2. I don't. Whether it's drugs, alcohol, starting an easily avoidable confrontation, or any other shitty situation that I can avoid by simply not making my desired choice, I do it anyway.

  3. both my gf's when they broke up with me and I called them and screamed the most unimaginably cruel things at them, then a few hours later called them back saying I loved them and wanted them back, THEN the following day pick up my phone and proceed to verbally abuse the living fuck out of them again. Both called me psychopaths and were "done for good", and both took me back shortly after.

  4. No

  5. Completely insane. Break things, say suicidal things, unbelievable rage. Curse out my family, friends, girlfriends, etc. Exhibit highly reckless and risky behavior, and continue to drink until the entire bottle is gone and I'm near death.

  6. In a way yes. I've always been somewhat of the "leader" of my friend group. I make all the plans, I tell everyone where we are going that night, everyone comes to my house. People always talk shit about one another and don't get along, but everyone has incredible respect for me.

If you're asking me if I've seen the film then no, I can't answer. Otherwise I don't quite understand your question.

/r/sociopath Thread