Some questions from an shell shocked SJW: Please answer honestly.

1) No, I'm willing to accept a certain amount of immigration, in fact I think a small percentage is probably healthy, to allow for exchange of ideas (the same way that certain hubs like New York, San Francisco, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, etc have served as zones where the inflow of new ideas and commerce was welcome). Let's say, to pick a number, that I'd be willing to accept up to around 8% non-European immigrants. Not everyone here would agree of course. And at this point we're way past 8% so it's all academic, anyway.

The point is that a country should pick and choose the best immigrants. If the country is an extension of the family unit - would you invite a homeless man to join your family? If your daughter was getting married, would you suggest she marry the homeless man, or would you ask her to be more selective in her choice? Once people are inside the country, and part of the body politic, you can't exclude them. But controlling who you let in? Absolutely. Are you aware of Lee Kuan Yew, the genius who turned Singapore into a modern economic powerhouse? You should check out his beliefs if you get the time. Here are a few links:

A good quote of his:

Lee Kuan Yew: “Absolutely [America's strength is immigrants] … But, mind you, immigration of the highly intelligent and highly hard-working, very hard-working people. If you get immigration from the fruit-pickers [chuckles for several seconds at the idea], you may not get very far!”

Another good one:

I started off believing all men were equal. I now know that’s the most unlikely thing ever to have been, because millions of years have passed over evolution, people have scattered across the face of this earth, been isolated from each other, developed independently, had different intermixtures between races, peoples, climates, soils… I didn’t start off with that knowledge. But by observation, reading, watching, arguing, asking, that is the conclusion I’ve come to.

Since most people don't acknowledge racial differences in IQ, the can't make the leap to understand Lee Kuan Yew's pragmatic worldview.

So, in my view, who should we be bringing in? Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indian intellectuals and STEM folks. Of course, intelligent people from Europe. Professionals. People who can raise the genetic stock and performance of America.

But yes, the country should be able to remain a strong majority white. Let's say 80%. Well, my math isn't adding up, but if we assume the 13% of blacks are here to say, then add another say 8% of non-white immigrants...maybe we can round it off to say 80% white, 20% made up of blacks and non-white immigrants. Of course over time with proper eugenics programs, maybe the number of blacks would drop, which would allow you to admit more skilled immigrants from outside.

One other important note: immigration quotas should not be imposed on the public by fiat, as was the case with the '65 Immigration Act. They should somehow reflect the democratic process. I'm not sure exactly how, but in both Europe and the US, most of the destructive immigration policies were never put up for a vote. If they had been, the nonsense would probably have stopped much sooner.

2) The genes lead to the behavior, yes. I don't "hate" blacks because of their "inferior genes". Inferior is in the eye of the beholder. It's just a matter of deciding what we value. If we decide the things we want most are good sprinters and basketball players, we might elevate blacks to the highest level in society (in some ways, due to the popularity of bball, we have!). If rhythmic music was our highest priority, same result. In these areas, we can say blacks are "superior". In fact, most people would probably agree with these sentiments, because the attributes being discussed are seen as a positive.

If, however, we want a forward-thinking, intelligent, sophisticated, powerful state that is on the forefront of advances in science, medicine, space exploration, etc - we should minimize the number of blacks. I prefer this, but I'm aware my ranking of valuable traits is purely subjective. An inuit might have a different list, such as "seal hunting ability" or "frostbite resistance".

By the way, don't make the mistake of thinking I'm a white supremacist. East Asians have a higher average IQ than whites. So do Ashkenazi Jews, by a wide margin. I accept these facts, as do many here.

Hope that helps clarify things.

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