Some suggestions about how LPL teams swim back home from LPL fans

Yeah and all the Chinese and Asian people who criticize Japan for worshipping war criminals are completely innocent of any abhorrent cultural transgressions.

Nothing Japan is doing is remarkable in any fashion. Just like in the case of Uyghurs, most of the critics care more about framing the perpetrator in a bad light than righting the wrongs that are transpiring.

But you're free to pretend that if the roles were reversed the Chinese, or any non-western entity, would erase the names of their fallen military's because they committed "war crimes". What an absurd expectation. You think because Germany did that, that anybody else wants to?

Your criticism is 100% true and accurate, but it's still laughable that you can frame this manifestation as anything resembling justice or righteousness.

Chances are if you're always willing to hold people who you've had an ethnic conflict with accountable, but never yourself, that you're not all that interested in objectivity.

The funniest part are westerners who latch onto whatever is the most morally compromising issue at the time, without any of the context that is essential to understanding how bigotry and pride correlate.

News flash: morals are compromised, the world is morally compromised, highlighting specific issues in a sea of issues does not always produce a net good unless you've seriously evaluated that you highlighting the issue does not detract from, or create, more important issues.

japan isnt gonna stop worshiping war criminals, china isnt gonna let go of tibet, india isnt gonna free kashmir, pakistan isnt gonna stop funding the taliban or free pok, the us is never gonna admit to committing war crimes in the middle east, people gonna people.

so when you specify the expectation to one nation, acting as if their latching onto pride at the expense of morals is surprising or remarkable in any fashion, i cant help but write an essay. gimme ab reak

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