Some of you will understand this.

More info taking out of context. ITT: people who act just like the Christians they are trying to discredit by picking a verse and not providing any context around the situation.

You’ll notice throughout the NT the only thing that gets Jesus this riled up were the religious leaders of the day because of their religiosity. He consistently was kind with thieves, whores, tax collectors, etc. cause as he said I came to save those which were lost, a doctor does not come for a healthy man but a sick man, something like that.

In this specific situation, they were selling wares within the Church for personal gain. This act detracted from the reason for Church and involved an element that was devoid of God. This caused Jesus to destroy the tables set out saying, this house is a house of prayer but you’ve turned it into a en of robbers, again, paraphrasing a tiny bit. Still a bit, “whoa there, guy. Chill out.” But mentioning his actual reasoning would help.

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