Somebody please just kill me

Have you gone to therapy? Because it sounds like you need it. I'm not being mean. I just want you to take an outside perspective of yourself. Breakups are hard. They are so hard. And you've been struggling for a long time. But you have to know that you are only keeping yourself in this position. The only reason why you feel this way right now is because: deep down you like it. Your body has become addicted to hurt and pain and dwelling and sadness. It's all chemical, and you should view it from that point for a while. Love is chemical. You need to reset the system. And that's hard and it requires work (and therapy in this case). And that's okay. A lot of people feel like you when they're going through a breakup. You read it on here several times a week. But you are keeping her on this pedestal that she obviously doesn't belong on.

If she was right for you, you'd still be together. So the universe is trying with all its power to tell you she isn't right for you. And you will not accept it for the life of you (literally). That's on you! That ball is in your court. There's so much fun out there. There are so many lovely people out there who would love you for the way you are. And cherish you. And make you feel like you're on top of the world.

But you reject them before even meeting them. Because you like to live in sorrow. It's a chemical. Get your dopamine elsewhere. Get out of your house to realise you can feel good by spending time with other people. You can get passion from other things and other girls. You just haven't tried it yet. So don't quit before you try. Thats a foolish thing to do. Don't sit here and tell us that somehow your relationship was much more great and important than ours. Because you CANT get over it, and we just don't understand. And also don't sit here and tell us that there's just NO getting over a relationship ever, so we should just all give up (you're taking at least one of these standpoints).

We're all in a shitty situation. And we're all doing the best we can to get out of it. So don't leave us hanging. Beat the addiction. Stop dwelling. Pick your life back up. You need to be strict with yourself, even though it's hard. You CAN do this. I know it for certain. ❤️

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