someone called me the n-word with a hard r

The best thing to do, is just to ignore it and don’t let it linger too long. I know this sounds easier than it actually is, but you have to do it.

Unfortunately due to comedy and local media, it’s normal to make fun of Asians here. I hear slurs that date back 200 years ago on a daily bases (mainly towards my particular ethnic group). Obviously I care about the context. If it’s just said as a joke I’m okay with it (even I use slurs against my own ethnic group), but it’s far too often used as a way to bully someone and that’s where I have a problem with.

The corona virus didn’t help with the situation of people with mongoloid features. The other day I saw a guy bullying a women, who was minding her own business, in the bus. The guy tried to get attention from the woman by saying “don’t sneeze”.

/r/socialskills Thread