Someone drop knowledge on me 21/M/black/FL I want to get my shit together and be independent

I'm responding to this because you asked for some books to read and I think based on this you would really dig Kurt Vonnegut. He was in WW2 and got captured by the Germans, and they took him on a train to pow labor camps and he was in the city of Dresden when it got firebombed to shit. He wrote a "sci fi" book that captures his experience there, but to call it "sci fi" is to sell it way short, he's a lot deeper than that you'll see if you read him. Slaughterhouse Five is the book, and he's got a bunch of other good ones.

I'm also just going to add

There is obviously the really good advice that one guy gave Glorious Leader. The only thing I would add to that is this: the going is going to get tough. Its not going to be fun. Pain, tiredness, extreme boredom, you will miss out on some good times if you're taking school seriously. It sucks.

But that is when you have to tell yourself that there is a reward. Its a big reward too. Its not stocking shelves for the rest of your life, or making sandwiches, or putting shingles on a house in the summer, or cleaning up shit as a janitor. Having people, just people no better or worse than you, look at you like you are a peasant and they are a lord because you gotta work shit jobs for shit money for shit hours for shit people with no respect.

And you'll have to do shit like this before you graduate, with a smile if you want to do it right. You'll have to put up with the dipshit boss. The repetitive, soul destroying mindless work. Idiots who will come into your life and try their hardest to steer you away. You have to be like a samurai master through it all and ride out the storms while perfectly meditation. Its not easy, but it also isn't particularly hard if you make yourself do it. All a teacher can really do is put it up nice on a plate, you have to eat it. You have to chew it. I didn't.

I promise its worth it. Its an easier life, if you just burn the candle hot when you're young and energetic and get it done, then you can relax when you're old and tired and aching. At your age you can easily do it, if you do it now, and don't fuck around.

/r/personalfinance Thread