Someone from Bloomberg is asking r/bitcoinmarkets about their losses

It's fucking over... I've lost my life savings... I invested money that I technically didn't own yet (banking on inheritance from my father) but he survived the chemotherapy and now I'm in debt from the line of credit I took out. I don't even have words for this and I don't know what to do

Hi, Thanks for replying. I am so sorry about this. Would you have time to talk on the phone? Thanks much, Olga [email protected]

I'm not sure I can talk right now.. I don't know what to tell to my wife or her son... I disappointed em

Hopefully Tyrone doesn't get mad at me, he knows I do my best, but i fell for the hodl meme because theymos (mod of r/bitcoin) told me to hodl and that we would go to 25k after hitting 20k...

/r/Buttcoin Thread