Someone stole my account and played it all the way to D5.If I happen to get it back, is there a way to reset my ranked MMR?

Look, when LCS started on season 3 I tuned down playing because it was a lot more fun watching games than to go through toxic behavior in a lot of games.

In season 4 at some point I was playing 1 or 2 matches a month just to not drop from gold and get my rewards.When they removed the penalty for inactivity, I pretty much only logged in to play 1 or 2 matches and maybe a co-op with people from my friends list that I happen to call friends (better this way?).

I played pretty casually and I care about MMR because I want to turn on my PC and play a match around my level of skill.My normal MMR sucks because I went to ranked early so whenever I felt like playing I would do 1 solo queue.If I wasnt confident about my play, I would just go on a bot game and destroy bots instead of playing a balanced match on champions that I had the most fun (annie, riven, ezreal and many ad carries)

Anyway, I try to "overexplain" a lot because I think it is important to tell everything about how I interacted with this game.If i just come here and say "rito plz im good" people just put me in the category of cheater or whoever people are calling me.

Again, I rarely play the game and I don't have any reason to ask for a boost.I was gold and played casually whenever I felt like playing.Played a lot less when they removed inactivity drop and also because I can't handle more than one or two matches that have toxic people (even though I imediately mute them)

Decided to play now, 2 months after the mistery gifts, a chill bot or aram from 4 to 4:30 am and got a frustrating surprise.

I know that in this reply I talked a lot about myself but I did it so that you could believe I'm a real honest person.I may have exagerrated about the whole "acknowledge my existance" because of personal issues but everything I said stands pretty much the same. I don't have real life friends that know I play league nor the people I know from the game know anything that would help them "hack" me.

It is 7:30 am I haven't slept yet because I feel in need to reply everyone because since I'm the one approaching you guys, I'm the one that can get the short end of the stick and I want to make sure everything is clear and I get back what was mine

/r/leagueoflegends Thread