As someone who is still actively overcompensating to make up ground, this is the best summary about privilege I have ever seen.

Interesting simplification. Just for "fun" I tried to compare with my life. It's kind of instructive.

Row 1: I'm more like the left side. My dad worked hard and sold powdered milk on the side to support the eight of us, but my mother didn't have to work outside the house.

Row 2: Much more like the left. We had books and the house was comfortable. We had a bunch of people and some cats, but no extra relatives or outsiders living with us. We had our own house.

Row 3: A touch more like the left. We didn't get much parental attention around home work and such, but they were around.

Row 4: Solidly on the left. This was back when the rich were taxed and public schools were funded.

Row 5: Definitely on the right. My grades were not all that stellar and my parents did not expect stardom.

Row 6: Clearly on the right in this row. I paid for my own education (with some merit scholarship help) and worked five jobs to get through.

Row 7: Now I'm back on the left. My first job out of college was with my father's company. Both parents were healthy. I didn't need to support them.

Row 8: I quit my job went on to grad school, rented, and spent little. So I didn't need loans. It was decades later that I first got a mortgage. By then it wasn't all that hard. So I'm not sure where I fall in this row. I'm pretty sure I would have been on the right if I had tried to buy real estate or a new car in my 20s. By my thirties I was on the left.

Row 9: More on the left. I had good jobs and folks expected I would do well. But I was across the country from my folks and the expectations had nothing to do with family.

Row 10: Neither side. No one has ever asked me for the "secret to my success". Neither have I been feted in the manner depicted. However, I did not have to serve others like in the right panel.

Row 11: More like on the right. I'm definitely not a supply side right winger who thinks I did it all by myself. But folks who think it's all that simple and that everything was served to me on a platter are wrong.

On balance I've been more "privileged" than many most. Still, I hope those who have had a harder start do not accept defeat and manage to find happiness. I guess that's the message of the comic, really. Well done.

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