Something about this bothers me

I think it's always important (as women) to try and be mindful that we are saying what we like about our own body without accidentally putting other bodies down (I think men will always end up putting bodies down because they don't live it first hand and don't put themselves into the shoes of the women reading). The best we can. People will always have different sensitivities, that's part of life, people will make mistakes in things they say. Every single one of us, whatever body we have, should be able to love our body and say what we love about it. That's not putting anyone down. Whatever my body looked like I would find what I love or like about it. This is the body that I have, so I will speak positively of this body and I do love so much about it. That doesn't mean I think it's better than other bodies. I don't. It doesn't mean I don't like other bodies. All kinds of women's bodies are beautiful and attractive to me. I like all kinds and sizes of breasts. Big breasts are beautiful. And small breasts are beautiful. It's not a comparison or a competition. I'm sexually attracted to both men and women. And our breast size doesn't define us as people. It's not us against them. As women we all deal with issues of how people treat us and our bodies. Whatever body we have. Whatever size breasts we have. Some people will degrade and insult us at times, other people will degrade and compliment us at times. It happens. People tend to have a chip on their shoulder and view things from their own experience. They see one thing and react and decide the whole thing is bad and everyone is doing it and lump everyone together like on person. And miss the good and positive stuff. There are always going to be people on the internet saying insulting things. And we are allowed to speak positively of ourselves without people thinking it's a personal attack. I like my own breasts because they are small, sweet, perky, nicely shaped, look nice on my body. They are mine. I like breasts that are completely different from mine as well. Just because one thing is pretty doesn't mean other things that are different are not also pretty. We need to say what we like about our bodies to counteract all the ignorance we have heard in our lives.

/r/smallboobproblems Thread