Something you appreciate about people that you have a hard time getting along with.

Yeah. Okay. Everyone here is experiencing crap and recovering from crap. Did I suggest or imply toxic positivity in any way? If so, I apologize. Do you think it is fair to assume that I have no understanding of toxic positivity? Being grateful is not a maladaptive practice. Being grateful does not mean being ignorant. I believe wholeheartedly in being there for whatever emotion you are currently experiencing. If I sound angry right now, it’s because I am, and I am okay with that. The toxic positivity in the church is immense and I hate it as much as you or anyone else that has been marginalized and invalidated by it. I am not trying to attack your character or intelligence and I don’t have any idea who you are so I promise it isn’t personal, but I am frustrated that you would suggest that to me in such a condescending, assumptive way. Wallowing in anger is no better than wallowing in toxic positivity. I am willing to bet that you agree that, but if you don’t then I am sorry. Because I think that every emotion and thought is valid and should be expressed, I believe that it is okay to appreciate just like it’s okay to criticize. If you didn’t notice, I was specifically writing about people who are difficult, not because I am pretending that they are not, but because I’m trying to acknowledge both, I’ve just been hyper-focusing on negative responses recently and not giving enough place for my appreciative thoughts. I. Hate. Toxic. Positivity. But I hate toxic negativity (cynicism) also. Different times in my life have been plagued by both. I want to be there for all emotions. If you don’t want to say something you appreciate about people who are difficult, that’s super cool. But acknowledging those emotions (if they are there) is as important as acknowledging the negative.

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