Something I realized about the 'So Called" fairer sex

Any dose of rationality and reality is perceived as a threat because the party must go on. That's why they want the "fun" guy(aka asshole). The one who will make them "feel good" and not give a shit about how they destroy their life. Cause God forbid someone give them the idea that life isn't all flowers and cupcakes

Pisses me off so hard. Met a girl I could oneitis for, if her tactics weren't so fucking obvious and tired. Little tricks to try to steal my attention by text. Works 1/3 of the time because she's cute... got the 1am text and ghost tonight. Fucking hate that one. 1) reveals I'm not fucking somebody else, 2) infects my mind with her for an hour or so while she's ghosting. When I got the text I knew not to reply, but my dumb ass dry dick self thought maybe it'd be different this time... she's so much younger blah blah maybe she'll show up. Nope... my SMV just dropped at least a point. At least I predicted she'd text me on Sat if I didn't text her all week... I knew ahead of time not to reply. But then I did when it came, what the fuck?

How can I continue to care about women when this is how we operate? I'm so used to this. My last GF was before iPhones.

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