Sometimes compassion and honesty is all it takes

Under the constitution the President & all government serves at the will & whim of the people. If those in power are corrupt remove them from power. You want them to take certain action you inform them. Whatever the fuck the majority state is what the fuck has to be done. It is that simple.

You are the issue not any Constitution point or Amendment. Start studying it. And stop calling your servant Commander in Chief & Leader of the free world.

He is a figure head who should obey the people, it's why he only gets to command an army in national emergencies, within clear limits set by each state when they hand over command of their troops. States were to maintain most of the control, federal government to deal with issues states were unable to resolve between themselves.

I'm not sure what else to say, your comments are just waffle & drivel to fill space. So if you want more detail be specific. But if you the people upheld your Constitution there wouldn't be a problem. Instead you cower to big business, allow the NRA & others to lobby for their own interests. The rich & wealthy are supposed to have no more power than the poorest. That's what went wrong, people like you were convinced to blame others. The whole blame someone else is the new American dream, when America was built on taking responsibility for yourself, & making your own way.

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