Sometimes the girl is the aggressor: Client's daughter exposed herself to me [750+ words long]

Six year olds don't understand their bodies the way you do, at all. Unless their parents have done something wrong, they'll have no shame or sense of sexuality. At best they'll have been trained about privacy.

The only problem here is that you may have been falsely suspected, by seeing her naked alone, even if unwillingly.

This is part of what makes me uncomfortable about the CKL fiasco: merely seeing a naked body was understood as disgusting. I worry that progressives are going full circle into being the new puritans, and we'll all become more messed up rather than less. CKL actually did a comedy bit at one point that suggests his fetish/obsession with exposing himself is rooted in a girl humiliating him about his body when he was a teen.

/r/MensLib Thread