Sometimes my roommate needs it blunt

Yeah man, That's definitely what I said. Your comment is completely rational, mine was to convey a nonsensical, implausible, theory, consisting of random words isn a random order.

I Said, he is lying in the GIF because there's zero chance that you can make a GIF, and read books. That's exactly what I said. The fact that people would have judged OP more, IF he said he didn't want to go outside because he was sitting at the computer, than saying he didn't want to go outside because he was reading a book....

OP definitely doesn't spend all day on reddit, most of which he's making gifs and posting them on reddit for internet points... Don't look at his post history because it definitely won't reflect that.

I'm insane to suggest that He was probably not reading books, but simply wanted to be judged less harshly... because when he's not on reddit making gifs, he's reading books. OFten time avid readers second favorite past time is making Highqualitygifs about them reading books. You know how many of the frequent Highqualitygif makers, read books frequently? All of them... When there not wasting there time on retarded shit, they are utilizing their time by gaining a plethora of knowledge from all the books they're reading... You know why GIF makers are so good at spending hours making 30 seconds clips, most of which aren't funny? Because they read so many books.

The odds of his roomate asking him to go outside when he's reading a book, are much greater than his room mate asking him to go outside when he's on the computer.

No but seriously, If you thought that's what i was insinuating, You're retarded.

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