Sometimes we get not what we expect

Yeah. What do I know. I’m just a psychology major who can analyze behavioral patterns. Before reading the DNA test it did feel like something was off in the way she was acting “tickets to Dubai” and overemphasized excitement and personality. I attributed this to the notion she thought it was a recording of her reaction to her gift and she was playing it up for social media.

Her reaction past that felt really believable. She exhibited all the signs of someone going through the denial phase. Repeating “she’s your daughter though” and “I didn’t cheat” and attempting to find the unreasonableness of it with “Why though? After 3 years why now?”. She even had very believable body language. Hunched shoulders, looking down, unable to maintain eye contact, even slight voice cracks of someone with panic setting in.

Someone showed me it was fake. This is a very impressive fake. Kind of fucked up people joke about this kind of stuff though.

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