Son [16m] and rape allegations, how to handle?

Why is this being upvoted. Someone, please explain. This is what I see.

Rape is not a mistake.... Countering Cathline's suggestion that people's perfect children make mistakes. Which itself was a stupid response, because it wasn't implying that rape is a mistake, rather it was using mistake as a placeholder for no one is perfect so don't let that pull the wool over your eyes.

So in response to that, DeaD_bAUs responded with:

And neither is ruining someones life with a bullshit rape allegation.

This is true. A very factual statement. There's no opinion here; any claim that someone raped an individual that is made falsely is done so with intent and is absolutely not a mistake. So why the downvotes, I don't get it. It makes no sense at all.... but then we get this clown, you, the one I'm responding to.

Hate to break it to you, but rape is far, far more common than false rape accusations.

What exactly are you breaking to him? I didn't notice him saying that there was any higher incidence of false accusations over actual rapes. Nothing of the sort was said. Why did you even respond? My guess is its that extraordinarily contrary bullshit knee jerk reaction that has to shove the "women are the victims here" banner across everything.

Here's the reality. Women are often victims, victims of a whole lot of bad shit. Rape happens, it's disgusting and there is no excuse for it. However what on par with this is how disgusting it is to use something that is so traumatizing to women as a weapon against another human by making false accusations. Yes, it happens much less often than rape does. But by and far it is no less despicable to not only attempt to ruin a guy's life with the accusations but also use the trauma of others to garner the irreverent support of people too wrapped up in their own idealistic victimization to see that hey, sometimes people do some pretty fucked up stuff and women are people too and this is pretty fucked up.

I don't know why you've been upvoted, but by and far your comment is absolute shit and only managed somehow to lean the rape v. false allegations dichotomy away from the topic at hand and towards "let's discuss how bad rape is". It's ridiculous and I have no idea how so many people can't see how stupid this all is. It's sad really and I don't get it.

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