The Sons of Noach: Genuine Righteous Gentiles Revisited

Donny Fuchs is a Class Act. He's got that Kahane VIBE:

 Friends don’t let friends do drugs. But neither do they attempt to “introduce” friends to Jesus, either overtly or with covert evangelizing.

As such, NO evangelical Christian can ever be a true friend to Jews, since by its very definition an evangelical is married to these doctrines. And one who wishes to change you has contempt for you. In an era when too many Jews seek out the “friendship” of duplicitous spiritual enemies and brazenly and inaccurately apply the term “righteous gentile” to these predatory sorts, the forthcoming reading of Parshat Noach is a powerful reminder that we Jews only have one group of gentile friends. Those righteous gentiles who follow the ancient mandated code of the Noachide Laws.

From a Torah perspective, the only proper expression for behaving as a good person is to follow the 7 Mitzvot. While G-d alone will judge the individual gentile when he departs from this world, the oft-mentioned refrain “it’s enough to be a good person” or “all moral gentiles follow the seven laws” is inaccurate.

This doesn’t mean that gentiles who are unaware of these laws are bad. Hashem will judge them based on their pursuit of truth. Yet this is the designated framework to attain the status of righteous gentile. Yahadut maintains that the righteous of the world are guaranteed a share in the world to come. As a rule, for the non-Jew, the Noachide Laws are the sole vehicle for obtaining this status.

According to Maimonides, neither Islam or Christianity (brotherly or otherwise) is acceptable for gentiles. Even a genuine monotheist fails to qualify as a Noachide if he accepts it merely because it seems logical to him, rather than accepting it as Divine.

Both religions are theological usurpers who either subscribe to “replacement theology,” or in the case of Islam, represent a complete distortion of Jewish history and a rejection of the Masoretic text. Christians and Muslims are NOT B’nai Noach!

Many Jews fear “bringing this knowledge to the world since it comes off to the ignorant as intolerant and fundamentalist. While Judaism surely respects the human condition which often necessitates a long and arduous spiritual search, ultimately every gentile is required to follow the 7 Laws of Noah, an intensive, disciplined way of living, and not a religion (which is prohibited to the gentile). We either impact the world based on the words of Hashem, or we lose our concepts to distorted gentile’ interpretations, as seen today in the fields of Samaria. Without teaching B’nai Noach, we neglect the most righteous gentiles, and invariably pursue relationships with those who abrogate G-d’s will.     Gentiles have an obligation to study and adhere to the 7 Laws of Noach. In the absence of such a system, they have no means of articulating this obligation. We Jews are obligated to adopt the mantle of teacher like our forefather Abraham to disseminate this knowledge. Not with institutions which “teach” Torah to evangelicals and thus give them tools to infiltrate Jewish communities with greater sophistication. And not with attempts to kasher the profane. Our collective failure to embrace this task constitutes a Chillul Hashem. And the forbidden admixture of religious Jew and evangelical today, seen most notably in interfaith prayer forums, conferences, volunteerism, and general alliance, is the most egregious chillul Hashem of all. 

Geez. I wanted to post a few highlights and I copy-pasted most of it. See also Friendly Foes: The Subtle Missionary

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