Sony is holding my PSN account hostage

Dude, I know this has been said before but call and:

1) Get names, position, and call back numbers of each person you're talking to so you can know how high up the chain you are BEFORE you start your conversation with then. Keep track of ticket/case numbers. 2) Save yourself from wasting time on the first person, they can't help you - When you call immediately ask to speak with a manager/supervisor. When they ask "regarding what" let them know you'd rather share that information with the supervisor directly 3) Ask to be transferred to a US team if you're not already talking to one when you call. Do not take no for an answer. 4) Be firm, command authority in your voice when you have a valid counterpoint to their BS to let them know you mean business. It IS okay to slightly raise your voice and even speak over the rep when they start repeating themselves. Remember, you don't have time for their BS, you shouldn't have to be fighting for your own money in the first place. 5) If the person cannot/refuses to help you, ask to speak to the next person in the chain. Do not take no for an answer. If they refuse to help, call back later one person down the chain and repeat the process and hopefully get someone more receptive 6) Do not take no for an answer. Phrases like "thats not an acceptable solution" or "If you don't have the ability or authority to help resolve this issue properly I need to speak to whoever does." will keep them on their toes 7) Repeat process daily to every three days. Don't let up. If someone says they'll call you back, hold them accountable and when they miss the call use this as additional ammo.

Bonus - Always remember to amp yourself up in your head over how right you are about the situation, if you don't know for a certainty in your mind that your right, even if you're wrong (which you're not), you will not hold up against corporate customer service.

These are digital goods, they cost them nothing to refund. I don't give a shit about whatever royalties or whatever they have to pay to FIFA, thats not your problem. Get your money back. I would gladly do this phone call for you if given the opportunity.

Source: Never paid a fee in my life.

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