This is soo cute

It would run into ton of issues from the perpetually offended.

For example there is a Dwight quote from S8 E6, where he says:

"Last night I dreamed that the number two was the most valued number in the world. The vice president had all the power. Athletes fought for silver medals. Women were considered the best gender. And stadiums of fans shouted "We're number two!'. As with all my dreams, I'm guessing it was about my fear of immigrants."

Yeah, good luck with that in 2018.

S1E2, Diversity Day - the entire episode is a minefield.

S3E21, Women's Appreciation - not happening.

You can find something in almost every episode. I, for one, don't really want a reunion/reboot/xmas special. Not that I don't believe it can be funny, but because it will not be allowed to be as funny as the original.

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