As soon as I read Chihuahua I knew it was bullshit

I probably will get downvoted for this but these are the facts. They were were bred for game ness, for the pit, not people aggressive. But dog aggressive. Back in the day when dogfighting was nothing but entertainment and a social gathering, mainly important people of high status, many photos from that era showed women dressed very nice with men in tuxedos, looking dapper, and they seemed enjoying it while sitting around a pit. The well known Dogmen were considered respected members of society. They were hard workers, some even War Veterans. Absolutely no drinking or drugs involved. It was for the love of the sport and the most unpopular opinion is that they didn’t care for their dogs. Absolutely not true. Also, these Dogmen would not breed dogs to others if they were known to be people aggressive. They have to handle these dogs regularly, conditioning them, they couldn’t chance a dog that constantly showed people aggression, they would cull them out ASAP. With that being said, since these Dogmen have died off some are still around but stay away from it. The problem is that people who have no clue about this breed are breeding dogs with people aggression in their blood line. Which is the reason these attacks continue to happen. The OG Dogmen maybe regarded as POS, lowlives..etc.. the truth is they know people should not have them as pets, living inside around children. Especially knowing people are just getting pit bulls and not knowing their blood line. Dog fighting rings these days are done by a bunch of thugs that don’t know what they are doing. Michael Vick was a huge example of what Dogmen condone. A Dogman would NEVER use a non pit bull breed for bait. Why would they take a helpless beagle or another breed to see if their young dog was game? They used retired spar dogs just to test a younger dog. Not every dog they bred were game and so they would not fight them. And again I’m not defending dogfighting, just trying to explain why there are so many people aggressive pit bulls today. It’s definitely in their genetics.

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