
I live in the US midwest, I do .net web app development. My first dev job was working for a local business taking care of their internal web app, pay was pretty much right on the median for the area I live in which is to say it was shit. Worked there for about 3 years all in person because they wouldn't allow anyone to work from home.

A started looking for a new job a few months ago mostly through LinkedIn and Indeed. I don't know if Indeed is used outside the US but it's been decent for me over the years. On both platforms I specified in my searches only remote jobs because that's what I wanted and there were tons posted on both places. I sent out probably around 75 applications over a month or so, did a number of interviews and 2 wanted to follow through (though one waited like two months to decide that)

The one I got hired for is based out of New England which is pretty far away but they have an office about 40 miles away from me. Now I make double what I made before while having the option of working remotely sometimes and will switch to primarily remote in probably a couple weeks.

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