Sorry to Bombard r/Infertility With Posts, But I Need Help With a Message my RE Sent me

INVOcell has not been used in that fashion.

It sounds to me like she's saying that you don't go for frozen embryos with Invocell. I'm not an expert on the procedure, but if the embryos are developing in a device inside you, they probably don't take them out and freeze them. It's a "mild" stim cycle which means you're going for fewer high quality embryos rather than a big batch. At this point the advantage of Invocell seems to be that it gives people a chance to do reduced-cost IVF, not because it necessarily has any advantages in terms of success rates. (The study linked gives similar results rates for transferred embryos, but the fact is that in general a patient will get more embryos from a non-mild stim cycle, and the percentage of higher quality embryos from those total embryos is also higher -- 56% vs 30% is what that article says.)

I wouldn't take the repeated bloodwork as a punishment. You're asking some really specific questions about potential results, so she's looking for the latest data. A lot of people have a hard time getting their RE to do updated bloodwork, so in a way you're lucky she's making that suggestion. As other posters pointed out, those numbers can change drastically over the course of a few months. Likely she didn't answer your questions about odds/chances because she'll do that once the bloodwork is in. There's no point in her telling you that women with your numbers have a 15% chance of conceiving if she's about to redo your bloodwork and find out that women with your stats have a 7% chance, or a 30% chance.

The maddening fact about ART is there is never actually a way to know your odds. I'm a healthy, active woman with a healthy BMI and I had 6 PGS embryos fail. The odds of that happening are pretty slim.

If you're having communications problems with your RE, definitely talk to her about it (I did, and it made a very big difference), but I wouldn't take her responses/lack thereof here as any kind of insult or consequence for being inquisitive.

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