“Sorry we destroyed your country, but have you heard of Lizzo?”

In his book “Diplomacy” Kissinger quotes Cardinal Richelieu. Can’t remember it exactly but to paraphrase, Richelieu said that the state has no soul and no salvation and therefore actions done on behalf of the state are not ones that can be judged in the same context of morality that men are judged by and the advancement of the state is it’s only goal and there is no morality to that.

Richelieu said this to justify allying Catholic France with the Protestant kingdoms against the Catholic Hapsburgs in the 30 years war, but I think it kind of explains the mindset of these psychos. They’re not doing bad things, America is. An individual doing bad things for a good aim can be judged in a sort of utilitarian way, but if your part of the state, the state is just gonna keep on trucking and there nothing wrong with whatever you’re doing.

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